
Not your average Friday.

okay, so the lovely lauren is taking a break....
so today i have some happy stats for the week :D
ps: all pictures link back to flickr. yay!

1 - Taking one exam out of seven. I exempted all four core classes (even though I shouldn't, but I did) and took two exams early. French was the only one left. There was way too much article stuff on there and I wish I understood it as good as everyone else. At least I liked the tense section.

2 - Speaking of school, I AM A SENIOR!!! (finally) thank you nickelodeon, I'm halfway there. I never really thought I'd make it this far. There are many people I wish could have made it with me, and I'll miss a few dearly next May. But I see that I've already said goodbye, and that's one less tear I'll have to schedule in on graduation day.

3 - Picking up a transcript request form. upperclassmen only, and I can request about 10 different schools to send my grades to. oh, and I've discovered that St. Edward's is already open! So, college, here I come.

4 - Getting the craft room re-organized, at least. I can see almost everything!

5 - Finding a huge, cedar hope box. (except, the seller dropped the ball. the next step is to use the telephone... I dread it.)

6 - Watching my dog curl up in a ball like a puppy, which he's never done until recently. His haircut makes him look so much nicer and younger.

Sleepin' Toby

well that's it. no, not yet..... almost:
meh. there. nighty night :D