
I've got a story to tell today.

It's about a boy. [groan] Oh shut up, the lot of you! .... This boy has let himself go - his hair has grown out! It's almost long. Just a smidge more and it will be very flattering. I have an inkling his silly mum will be cutting it, but I wish I could tell her not to. So many boys just look so much nicer with longer hair. One just has to experiment to find the right length.

. So I noticed it today. and it wasn't like "WOW your hair is really long!" it was more of a "hey, i didn't know you had curly hair." [yea, well, it's getting longer] "oh. it looks cute though." but, BUT, it was like a weird thing for me. I couldn't stop looking at him. He doesn't realize that he's pretty photogenic, and if he just stood up a little straighter and maybe got in some pretty sunshine, that he would be so cute! And I just couldn't get his little curly curls out of my mind, all the WHOLE bus ride. well, it was more like half of it, but still.

Now, said boy has never really been any interest of mine, and it got me thinking.
About things. Things which made me a little sad. As usual.
Things like, why didn't anyone ask me to prom? I mean, I don't really care about the thing, but if you want to go to prom with me, then can't we go somewhere else too? Or can I suffer a night of prom and then we go somewhere else another day? Is that so hard?

I don't mean to be desperate, but I feel like everyone's so used to these girls getting boys or being involved with boys or just generally being That Type Of Girl. I don't mean ditzy or slut, but one that can flirt and be girly and cute and maybe even a little sexy. And I can be That Girl. Which would be appreciated. But it's not, adding to all the other things that are MINE first, and everyone else is more recognized for it. This is getting into a whole other story.

I would like someone to step up and say, "hey, I don't want any silly relationship rules and social guidelines. I just want to be friends. Can we go get some ice cream and wander around being stupid and taking pictures and holding hands because it's cute and well, I like looking cute, darn tootin'."

PS: BWAHAHAHA I couldn't resist putting a wittle baby turtle for the 'cute' reference. There were lots of other animals, but I want permitted photos. And, it directly relates to the described cuteness. AND AND the reading cop relates to the 'story' bit, and the Mulan screencap, well... it's MULAN, of course it relates. Beside, that cpatin has the hottest voice. Oh, yea, what a man :P