
Fill in the Blank Friday #2

original post here.
the pictures are linked back.

1. The very best thing about the summer is used to be randomly meeting up with elliot and cole and ridding bikes up and down the hill because my over-protective parents wouldn't let me ride past the hill. so they and elliots and coles brothers would try to get me to ride, and then they'd all leave, and elliot and cole would kinda ask too, but i'd say no, and then i'd leave to go back to my over-protective parents. it's still hard and i have to correct myself now and use past tense. it's not fair that i have to use past tense for this. it's silly how much I miss this.

2. My first crush ever was this kid named Nick. All the girls loved him. He actually "went out" this girl that i am kind of good friends with. that was back in ... eh... 2nd grade? he moved away in 4th grade and I stopped liking him soon after. but she's so nice and i'm kind of usually nice, and we have random classes together and we say hi and here we are, end of junior year, laughing about theatre and crazy Gatsby.

3. This may sound really silly but I've always had a thing for guys that remind me of the captain in Mulan that she ends up in love (of course) with, and I think I'll Make a Man Out of You is a quite sexy song. well, at least the chorus. and where the captain sings. actually, only when the captain sings. and talks. yes.

4. I squeeze my toothpaste from the top. when i pick it up, my thumb is at the top, and when i squeeze it, that's where the leverage ends up at and so that's the biggest dent. when it stops working so much I smoosh all the toothpaste from the end to the front using the end of the counter.

5. My absolute favorite "comfort food" is buttery, salty, cheezy, Idaho potatoes... and cookies, especially chocolate chip. But not together (:

6. A random fact about me is that I do judge and, even if you're a great person, if you are in my sight in the wrong place at the wrong time, I can pretty much hate you. and then everything then on is used against you so that I sound more legit. even though you probably are annoying. and use stupid accents. and get moody when someone critiques you. and even though people are constantly doing the 'shooting-myself-in-the-head' sign thing whenever your speak, and even a teacher has done it, even though you can't listen to me as we do a duet scene, that's okay. i'm sure you're a really great person. i just can't see it. ...... .... Okay, yes i'm ranting on about someone particular. and i do all these things, and i know i shouldn't. but i do.

7. The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live without is the digital camera. I love all kinds of photography but I love that I can decide if I really want to spend money on developing a picture, or if it should just go away. Huzzah for conservation!(?) I do wish my current digital camera had a viewfinder. sometimes just can't beat that little glass window for a new point of view. what can i say, i like the nostalgia :)