Reading List

So Many Shelves

I really need to write all these down somewhere... Suggestions are welcome, but if the cover features a couple that kiss, or if the synopsis includes "but with a steamy romance ..." it will be heartily ignored.

(a) means any other books of the same author.
(s) means only books connected within the series.

Want to read. *Started book.* Started series. Finished.

Atlas Shrugged (a)
The Bourne Identity (s)
Brave new World
Blue Bloods (s)
The Catcher in the Rye
A Child Called It
Catch 22
East of Eden (a)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Gossip Girl (s)
The Glass Menagerie
The Hunger Games
The Kite Runer
Lord of the Flies
The Lovely Bones
Lock and Key (a)
Night (s)
Number the Stars (a)
The Outsiders
Percy Jackson (s)
The Secret Garden
The Vampire Lestat (a)
Wicked (s)