
Fill in the Blank Friday #4

oops! I've been doing so much crafting (mostly in my brain) that I've been out of touch with the calendar. okay, okay, truthfully, it's summer, and I don't care about the calendar, except when it goes by slow.

now, onward ye villian!

1. My dream vacation would be to travel the world, including my own country. There's so many places that I want to go experience for more than just a mere couple weeks, that I'll have to write down places on slips of paper and draw them out of a mason jar. note to self - that's a really good idea.

23 Reasons
close to my idea, but you simply must click and read
the story behind this little jar. so sweet.

2. The best trip I've ever taken was STORY TIME: I took this crazy unorthodox trip when I was about seven. actually, more like ten or eleven. whatever... My dad and I needed to drive this car up to my sister in Boston. From Texas. My dad's friend is a semi big dude in this business and he was assigned to travel to all these random cities and do meetings. Boring details, etc, etc, long hours o driving and I end up several days late in St. Louis. I strongly remember my dad and his friend and I walking down to the arch. We've eaten, and we're walking back. It's dusk, that really good time that I'm creative and hyper and great. I'm running around ahead of my dad and his friend, around this courtyard thing with big squares of grass and sidewalk and no one notices me and I don't care and I can't see it but I know, behind me, that big huge silver arc is standing, guarding the west.

Trust in dreams.......................
the arch

3. The most important items to take on a road trip are cameras (one disposable film, one digital), a notebook to scribble things down that you liked, and a road map. AAA doesn't make it worse, either ;)

4. The next trip I'm looking forward to is whatever is happening after I graduate college. I would love to take a month out and drive around on my own before college. Okay, that's not happening. I would like to do the tourist thing in my own town, though. Now that I have more traveling freedom, it's easier to see all the things that are fun in our town. You just have to look. Also, I'm supposed to go to Ireland next summer.

Shiva's Earthly home pointing to heaven
i find it curious that this the first interestingness picture
that pops up after searching flickr with "tourist" and that
it is in loas which i have felt connected to ever since
that silly country report project freshman year

5. If I had to pick one CD to listen to for a long road trip it would be my Old People playlist or From Under The Cork Tree. "old people" is a bunch of loud, fun songs that are great to blast when you want old people AWAY from you. From Under The Cork Tree is still the greatest album I've ever spent money on. It's perfect and I could listen to it over and over.

Foggy Day in the streets of Brussels
"old people" in brussels, i supose

6. The biggest disaster I've ever encountered while traveling was on my sophomore NOLA trip. This is more of a 'bad' memory than anything..... It was the last day in New Orleans, and the end of trip surprise thingy was a boat. Yes. We had dinner and a stupid dance party on a boat. Big whoop. you couldn't even tell you were on the boat, and it was too cold to stand outside and act all boaty and what not.
Anywho, I was stressed because my mom guilted me into buying these pants and they were cute but they weren't working for me that day. My hair was really kinky. The humidity was high (even for south texas) and my hair was frizzy and kinky and wasn't drying, either! So I just pulled my hair back into a pony tail, which looked bad, because all the other girls were dressed up. It was just terrible, and I felt terrible and I didn't want to go to a stupid dance party. It did suck, and my first friend at that school, and my last, talked to me the entire time. About fun things, like rock music :D my 'boyfriend' just danced to bad music and dragged me to the dance floor. I walked away, needless to say.

What?! You never seen frizzy hair before?
leaked photo of my hair that day.

7. My favorite traveling memory is ...curiously enough, I'm thinking about that day, and that day was good until that little part. Chris was super nice and I had a lot of fun talking to him. I suppose I actually kind of miss him, because he was my friend and the only one who stayed solid with me the whole year. Oh! and then this kid came over and did i-n-s-a-n-e magic tricks. Like, make you gasp in awe tricks. Cool.

Hm. I haven't thought about the good parts of that trip in a long time. However, when I went to super conference with UIL, I did see several isa kids walking back from the theatre conference: bella, randy, izzie, and I think zane too? randy was jumping ahead, no wonder I noticed him :o such a funny, sweet guy.

okay, i think i'm done rambling today. I need more posts, or they're all going to be long like this during the summer....

truly yours, p.