

I finally* got City of Bones by Cassandra Clare! I have to bring back another book though, because we're not really allowed to have two tayshas books at once. The other one I've got looks much less interesting, so i'll probably be bringing that back tomorrow.

In other news, Comedy Night Live was ah-maze-ing :D I was grinning nearly all night, and I even saw Zoe and part of the cast at Denny's afterwards.** It brought me back to the good times of freshman year. And Inner Circle.

I've pretty much made up my mind about this whole debacle. I think I'm going to go back to theatre, but I'm only gonna be a stand in or something. Not like a full time member. And I'm going to ask if I can work on hours. Then I'll officially re-join so that I'll be there while I'm a senior.

Alright, third lunch is over. Back to the real world, and on to theatre. Ugh, i wish i could stay here all day long.


*I've been waiting like, ten years to read it.
** Denny's food sucks. Don't eat there.