
it is nine-thirty.

one minute, i hate writing and language all together. and i want to take a vow of silence, and express myself through facial expressions and water colors for the rest of my life.

the next, i'm falling in love with another word, another phrase, another plot line or lead or headline or character. and i want to do nothing but write and talk and learn about letters and words and the gift of tongue for the rest of my life.

but for now, i recklessly sign up for NaNoWriMo and wait anxiously for my intellectually under stimulated counterpart. oh my. that sounded pretentious. but it's true. i feel like no one understands when i try to express how a book makes me feel, how one word versus another can change a whole news story. how badly i want to break stories, both news worthy and spine worthy.

i need to get out of here.

it is nine thirty six.

au revoir