
Word of the Day

dictionary.com reads me like a book. subscibers get text messages with a word and a definition. i just recieved the one for today. it reads

exculpate: v. to clear from alleged fault or guilt.

which is kinda funny, in an odd way, because i finally went and talked to boggs this morning about dropping the class. and it really was nice talking to him because he was honest, and he basically said what i was feeling. he thinks i add insight to the class (i like talking), and he enjoys my writting (i like to write), and thinks that i have a good grasp on the work. But, on the other hand, he understands about RL and knows that sometimes kids just can't handle the AP workload. he also said that if he were selfish, he would want me to cut off the extra curricular. but i barely have any! and i want to add the inner circle back in! so i think i will have to drop. maybe i'll ask around for a third period, english III teacher.
all in all, i fell better now that i've finally talked to him, even though it didn't give me much 'closure', in his words.

on another note:
CNL tonight :D i can't wait. it's gonna be so fun! Phillip, the senior, is in it, and he is so freakin' hilarious!! I'm a bit nervous, because I don't want to smile and ruin my two skints, but ah, it is so hard to not laugh. and canary smiles? pfft.

crap. the bell rang. back to french. buhyes <2