
returning to the classics

alriiiighty here we go! as i get back to armor games today, I'm feeling a little nostalgic I think. So, today is a bit like Space Invaders. Nowadays, you can play it online, and my nephew has it on a joystick he can hook up to any telly. If you haven't played it yet, do it now. My nephew is 5, he can do it.

Anyway, today's game is called Frantic, posted by CrazyMonkeyGames (which has it's own site, by the way) I'm giving it an A+

functionality - the thing I really like about this game is that you don't have to worry about shooting. Just move around and collect your rewards for defending your universe and the ship does all the dirty work for you! If you were to just jump in at the middle of a level, it would be confusing, but it starts out nice and slow so that you can get a feel for what's going on.

aesthetic - pixel old-school style, but cleaned up. the neons aren't so blinding, and there's a little detail added to those bosses that makes them much more menacing compared to the little white and black you! the fact that you can see your health and power-up bars change very clearly as you play is nice. there are a lot of games where if you get hit, you get two mores lives, and that's it. here, the bright little bubbles of evil being fired in your general direction are fun to avoid. ooh, and even some smoke as you kill that boss :)

overall game play - super cute, in a very un girly way, i can assure you. the game is very responsive, though there is a slight lag if you have multiple windows open. not immensly creative, but that's okay. it's still great!